
David Grann

  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    had helped to secure his son a position in the squadron, noting that there would be “both action and good fortune to those who survived.”
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    in short they are so very bad, that I don’t know how to describe it
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    At least of those whose eyes are in their hearts.
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    To “turn a blind eye” became a popular expression after Vice-Admiral Nelson deliberately placed his telescope against his blind eye to ignore his superior’s signal flag to retreat.
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    a walk up Ladder Lane, and down Hemp Street
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    Byron confronted an inescapable truth of the wooden world: each man’s life depended on the performance of the others.
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    The first medical textbook for sea surgeons, published in 1617, warned that plagues were God’s way of cutting “sinners from off the Earth.”
  • b2601497554has quotedlast month
    a sail was a sail, a rudder a rudder
  • b2601497554has quoted24 days ago
    A report summarizing the results of the study noted that the volunteers were shocked at “how thin their moral and social veneers seemed to be.”
  • b2601497554has quoted21 days ago
    to defect from the defectors.
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