bookmate game

Donella Meadows

  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    Harmonization of goals in a system is not always possible, but it’s an worth looking for. It can be found only by letting go of more narrow goals and considering the long term welfare of the entire system.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    The bounded rationality of each actor in a system may not lead to decisions that further the welfare of the system as a whole.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    Being less surprised by complex systems is mainly a matter of learning to expect, appreciate, and use the world’s complexity.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    The lower the perceived system state, the lower the desired state.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    Drift to low performance is a gradual process. If the system state plunged quickly, there would be an agitated corrective process. But if it drifts down slowly enough to erase the memory of (or belief in) how much better things used to be, everyone is lulled into lower and lower expectations, lower effort, lower performance.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    The better things get, the harder I’m going to work to make them even better.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    Success to the successful is a well-known concept in the field of ecology, where it is called “the competitive exclusion principle.” This principle says that two different species cannot live in exactly the same ecological niche, competing for exactly the same resources.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    Addiction is finding a quick and dirty solution to the symptom of the problem, which prevents or distracts one from the harder and longer-term task of solving the real problem.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    Design, or redesign, rules to release creativity not in the direction of beating the rules, but in the direction of achieving the purpose of the rules.
  • Irina Shevelevahas quoted2 years ago
    These examples confuse effort with result, one of the most common mistakes in designing systems around the wrong goal.
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