Jenn Granneman

  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    Introversion is a temperament, which is different from your personality; temperament refers to your inborn traits that organize how you approach the world, while personality can be defined as the pattern of behavior, thoughts, and emotions that make you an individual. It can take years to build a personality, but your temperament is something you’re born with.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    Thoughts from your past haunt you. “I can’t believe I said that stupid thing … five years ago!”
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    you crave intimate moments and deep connections—and those usually aren’t found in a crowd.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    all about how much something matters to you; you’ll risk overstimulation when you think speaking up will truly make a difference.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    You’re better at writing your thoughts than speaking them.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    introverts tend to avoid small talk. We’d rather talk about something meaningful than fill the air with chatter just to hear ourselves make noise. We find small talk inauthentic, and, frankly, many of us feel awkward doing it.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    You notice details that others miss. It’s true that introverts (especially highly sensitive introverts)
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    You like to people watch. Actually, you just like to observe in general, whether it’s people, nature, etc. Introverts are natural observers. They can often be found hanging out along the edges of a party or event, just watching, rather than in the thick of things.
  • Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
    If you’re in a group, there are even more people to pay attention to.
  • Robin Mendozahas quotedlast year
    The truth was I had no idea how to translate my inner experience into words.
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