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Ashwin Pajankar

Ashwin Pajankar is a Bangalore-based software professional with more than 5 years of experience in software design, development, testing, and automation. He graduated from IIT Hyderabad with an MTech degree in computer science and engineering. He holds multiple professional certifications from Oracle, IBM, Teradata, and ISTQB in development, databases, and testing. Apart from work, he enjoys serving the community. He has won several awards in college through college outreach initiatives and at work for community service through his employers for corporate social responsibility programs. He was introduced to the Raspberry Pi while organizing a hackathon at his workplace, and he's been hooked on to Pi ever since. He writes plenty of code in Bash, Python, and Java on his cluster of Pi. Currently, he's building India's biggest cluster of the recently launched Raspberry Pi 2. He's reviewed two other titles related to Python from Packt and is working on another book on Raspberry Pi.
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