bookmate game

Ayn Rand

  • b7866055329has quotedlast year
    He thought suddenly that there was some phrase, a kind of quotation, that expressed what the calendar seemed to suggest.
  • Ian Bytchekhas quoted2 months ago
    But he still thought it self-evident that one had to do what was right; he had never learned how people could want to do otherwise; he had learned only that they did. It still seemed simple and incomprehensible to him: simple that things should be right, and incomprehensible that they weren’t. He knew that they weren’t.
  • Ian Bytchekhas quoted2 months ago
    She liked his face—its lines were tight and firm, it did not have that look of loose muscles evading the responsibility of a shape, which she had learned to expect in people’s faces.
  • Ian Bytchekhas quotedlast month
    “I have not said you needed it. But of all those whom you are saving from the storm tonight, I am the only one who will offer it.”
  • Ian Bytchekhas quoted10 days ago
    Their work was done. For the moment, there was no future. They had earned the present.
  • Ian Bytchekhas quoted6 days ago
    I’m going to have you at the price of more than myself: at the price of my self esteem—and I want you to know it.
  • Ian Bytchekhas quoted3 days ago
    You said once that celebrations should be only for those who have something to celebrate.”
  • Александра Земцоваhas quoted2 years ago
    "If you want my advice, Peter," he said at last, "you've made a mistake already. By asking me. By asking anyone. Never ask people. Not about your work. Don't you know what you want? How can you stand it, not to know?"
  • Александра Земцоваhas quoted2 years ago
    Men hate passion, any great passion. Henry Cameron made a mistake: he loved his work. That was why he fought. That was why he lost.
  • Александра Земцоваhas quoted2 years ago
    One reaches an age when one can't be burdened with business any longer.
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