Scarlett Wright

  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    Wicca is a peaceful religion that celebrates nature and worships the Mother Goddess and her consort, the Horned God. Some Wiccans also use magic to direct nature’s energy to effect change, although you don’t have to practice magic to be considered Wiccan
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    Wiccans have a deep reverence for nature, believing that all living beings - plants, animals and humans - should be treated with respect.
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    “an’ it harm none, do what ye will.”
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    Wiccans place a strong emphasis on taking responsibility for one’s own actions
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    Magic in Wicca is about harnessing the power that is present in nature and using it to create change.
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    magic comes from the Divine
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    magic comes from the power of the items used in spells
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    others believe that it is the intent and focus of the spellcaster that holds the power.
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    Traditionally, Wiccans worship
  • Cata Hermosohas quotedlast year
    the choice of whom to worship is highly personal.
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