Lisa Potter-Dixon

  • Jen602has quoted6 months ago
    The ‘everything is better with coffee’ mask
    4 tablespoons ground organic coffee beans
    2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
    3 tablespoons almond milk
    1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Jen602has quoted6 months ago
    tablespoon honey
    Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Mix all the ingredients together and apply the mixture directly to the skin of your face. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
    The ‘good luck trying not to eat it’ mask
    ½ banana
    ½ avocado
    6 blueberries
    1 tablespoon freshly squeezed orange juice
    1 tablespoon honey
    Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Mash the banana, avocado and blueberries together, then mix in the orange juice and honey. Apply to the face and keep the mixture on for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, then moisturize.
  • Jen602has quoted6 months ago
    Coconut oil (save) This natural oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and moisturizing for face, body, hair and nails
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago
    And that is a fluffy eyeshadow brush (see pages 60–61)
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago
    ep 2 (optional) This is an LPD special. If you want dewy looking skin, buff a liquid highlighter all over your face using a blusher brush. If you have oily skin you should avoid applying the highlighter on the T-zone and chin.
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago
    step 3 Apply colour corrector if needed (see page 31). Dip the fluffy eyeshadow brush into your foundation (I like
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago
    to use the back of my hand as a palette) and buff it onto the skin in circular motions. Because you’re using a small brush, you can build up the product where you need more coverage, and blend it lightly into areas that you don’t need as much coverage. You should never just apply one thick layer of foundation but instead target the areas that need coverage the most
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago
    step 4 Add concealer where necessary and finish with a light translucent powder on the T-zone and chin if you tend to be a little shiny. Don’t powder the cheeks or nose as these areas look best dewy and fresh.
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago

    step 1 Begin by patting an eye cream around the orbital bone (the socket around the eye). Blend upwards towards the eye to hydrate the whole area.
  • Jen602has quoted5 months ago
    step 2 Use a fluffy eyeshadow brush to buff in colour corrector.
    (As Clare is fair-skinned, I have used a salmon-toned corrector.) Buff this down to the top of the cheekbones (yes, that low!) and up to the brow bone, covering the entire eyelid. Add a little extra on the inner corner of the eye as it tends to be extra dark there.
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