Christopher Lotito

Christopher Lotito is the author of acclaimed books Pura Vida: Taming Wild Costa Rica, Craigslist for Heroes, Rogues, and Middle Management, and Torrent: A Record of the Flood Days. Lotito is also a contributor to Lab Manager Magazine. He's studied business in Iceland, operated a widely-read local news site, successfully rescued hundreds of historic documents from New Jersey's State Archives, and in general led the sort of life, much like you, that can't be summed up in an author blurb. For more information, you can Google him, or else use the contact button. Also, if you've seen an image of a euro on an online news article in the past 5 years, chances are it was one of his photographs.When Christopher is not writing author blurbs, he can be found in New Jersey with his wife, generally doing awesome things and making awesome stuff, like computer generated renders of the Mars lander or videos of of science stuff for his wife's high school science students.
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