Jurgen Wolff


oldmilkahas quoted2 years ago
Why do we focus on the negative? Because we are trained to. She points out that up until we are three or four years old, just about anything we do is greeted with applause and appreciation by the adults in our lives. But when we get to school the focus changes to what we are doing wrong, and it stays that way right through further education.
oldmilkahas quoted2 years ago
“If I had not yet bought this (or committed to spend time on this) – would I?” If not, it may be it’s time to stop, dump, or sell!
oldmilkahas quoted2 years ago
Write down the top three time patterns that work against your success and then, below each, what pay-off you think it gives you

And find a better way to get similar pay off

Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)