
Katya Balen



Tania Palomohas quoted2 years ago
But I think about the stories hiding in my pocket and I can already feel the beginnings and the middles and the ends start to stitch themselves together in my brain and my muscles work on their own.
Tania Palomohas quoted2 years ago
In my head I think I remember the day she left but the memory is like trying to hold water in my cupped hands and it trickles away before my eyes.
Tania Palomohas quoted2 years ago
When I try and remember her now it’s like she’s been sliced out of the memory and all that’s left is a black person-shaped shadow where she should be, or sometimes she’s there but then her edges
fuzz and curl into smoke and nothing’s left. I hate her for leaving the wild and I hate her for leaving us and I hate her for leaving our perfect little pocket of the world.
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