bookmate game

A. Helwa

  • Mustafa Ateshas quoted2 years ago
    Even though we are often not aware of it, God is always blessing us with His miracles and answering our prayers.
  • Mustafa Ateshas quoted2 years ago
    You do not need cell towers to reach God, you just need to plug into your heart because “He is with you wherever you are” (57:4), from the closest atom to the farthest star
  • Mustafa Ateshas quoted2 years ago
    The Mystery of “Allah”

    There are countless veils between us and God, but no veils between Him and us.6
  • Mustafa Ateshas quoted2 years ago
    Allah uses huwa or “He” in reference to Himself because in Arabic the male gender form is inclusive of the female, not exclusive.
  • Mustafa Ateshas quoted2 years ago
    We cannot express Allah’s eternal and transcendent nature with mortal tongues. We cannot shove infinity into the finite arms of 26 letters.
  • Mustafa Ateshas quoted2 years ago
    “Keep knocking on the door of Allah and never stop, for by His mercy, Allah will eventually open His door for those who sincerely seek Him.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    God sent prophets to Earth to break the spiritual barriers of conventional thinking, by exemplifying the possibilities of human potential through divine assistance and grace.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    what we see in the world is a reflection of what we carry within us, and so in order to transform our lives we must transform our hearts.
  • ;has quoted2 years ago
    Many cultures, ideas, and religions, have many things in common, but they are not aware of it
  • Houda_readshas quoted2 years ago
    God is intentional and nothing happens by accident
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