
Kerri Sackville

I am a mother, wife, friend and writer living life from one crisis to the next.I live with my husband The Architect, 12 year old Little Man, 10 year old Pinkela, 3 year old Boo, Spunky the unfriendly rabbit, and a ridiculously white couch.My book, 'When My Husband Does The Dishes', was released in May 2011 with Random House Australia, and is available in all good bookstores, or online here.In my spare time I enjoy eating Nutella, fantasizing about Simon Baker, drinking caffeine and alcohol with friends, and lying very still on the couch.




Lily Golovchakhas quotedlast year
For one thing, written communication is not as rich and nuanced as the spoken word
Lily Golovchakhas quotedlast year
And texting with someone who shares your sense of humour is excellent sport. Some of my text banter with my best friend is so hilarious it has me laughing out loud for minutes.
Lily Golovchakhas quotedlast year
But I’m no saint either
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