bookmate game

Nic Stone

  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    “Thing is, though,” he said, “if I can’t love and accept myself just as I am, why the hell would I expect anybody else to?”
  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    I can’t fight away a smile. “Will you remember this?”

  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    Earlier, Mrs. Tucker asked him where he was from too.

    “Earth,” he said. “Still debating if I’m staying, though.”

    The class group chat agreed—he’s our favorite bus driver so far.


  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago
    Quick intro: My name is Justyce McAllister. I’m a 17-year-old high school senior and full-scholarship student at Braselton Preparatory Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m ranked fourth in my graduating class of 83, I’m the captain of the debate team, I scored a 1560 and a 34 on my SATs and ACTs respectively, and despite growing up in a “bad” area (not too far from your old stomping grounds), I have a future ahead of me that will likely include an Ivy League education, an eventual law degree, and a career in public policy
  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago
    , Mrs. Friedman—an attorney—and she had to come bark a bunch of legal hoo-ha in the cops’ faces before they’d undo the cuffs
  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago
    A scuffle ensued (allegedly), and according to the police report, Shemar tried to grab the cop’s gun, so the cop shot Shemar in self-defense.
  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago
    All I can think now is “How different would things have gone had I not been a black guy?” I know initially the cop could only go by what he saw (which prolly did seem a little sketchy), but I’ve never had my character challenged like that before.

    Last night changed me. I don’t wanna walk around all pissed off and looking for problems, but I know I can’t continue to pretend nothing’s wrong. Yeah, there are no more “colored” water fountains, and it’s supposed to be illegal to discriminate, but if I can be forced to sit on the concrete in too-tight cuffs when I’ve done nothing wrong, it’s clear there’s an issue. That things aren’t as equal as folks say they are
  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago
    ointment from Norway. Smells like Altoid-covered feet
  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago

    SJ: It was a Nazi death camp. And you just proved my point again. You’d spew a lot less asininity if you were willing to see beyond the eighteenth hole of your country club golf course.

    Doc: Reel it in, SJ
  • Jaisleenhas quoted2 years ago
    Bottom line, it’s been over two centuries, and African Americans are still getting a raw deal.
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