Janine Driver

  • Drea Nhas quoted6 months ago
    How to Come Across as 100 Percent Credible to Everyone
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    steeple their hands.
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    How do you put people at ease? By convincing them they are OK and that the two of you are similar. When you do that, you break down walls of fear, suspicion, and mistrust.
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Savvy businesspeople know everyone is constantly tuned to the same radio stationWIIFM. Whenever anyone says anything, the listeners instinctive reaction is whats in it for me? Sales pros have elevated this constant query to the exalted status of acronym, WIIFM. They pay such strict attention to the WIIFM principle that they dont open their pitch with the features of their product or service. Top pros start by highlighting the benefits to the buyer.

    Except for tactical reasons during sensitive negotiating, big winners lay both whats in it for me? and whats in it for you? (WIIFY) right out on the table. This is so critical that, if one caouflages WIIFM or WIIFY, the concealer is relegated to the sttus of little loser.
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Dont Deny Them the Pleasure of Helping You
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Big winners also lay their cards on the table when asking someone for a favor. Many well-meaning folks are embarrassed to say how important the favor is to them. So they ask as though its a casual inquiry when its not
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    When asking someone for a favor, let them know how much it means to you. You come across as a straight shooter, and the joy of helping you out is often reward enough. Dont deny them that pleasure
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Whenever you suggest a meeting or ask a favor, divulge the respective benefits. Reveal whats in it for you and whats in it for the other personeven if its zip. If any hidden agenda comes up later, you get labeled a sly fox
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Asking or granting favors is a fabric that holds together only when woven with utmost sensitivity.
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    an unspoken rule big winners always obey: dont jump immediately when someone is doing you a favor. Allow the peson granting the favor time to savor the pleasure of agreeing to it, before having to pay up
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