Janine Driver

  • Drea Nhas quoted6 months ago
    How to Come Across as 100 Percent Credible to Everyone
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    bled some excuse about my appreciating her concentration
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    Your partners emotional reaction to your profound gaze has a biological base
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    came across as a sensitive and caring man, and all it took was two extra seonds of eye contact. I saw the effect it had on the waiter, too.
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    steeple their hands.
  • Мариоhas quoted2 years ago
    How do you put people at ease? By convincing them they are OK and that the two of you are similar. When you do that, you break down walls of fear, suspicion, and mistrust.
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    They may not jump up and down asking, How did you remember that? Nevertheless, they will remember you. No matter how important the VIP, he or she senses a special kinship
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    with the person who refers to other than their usual well-known accomplishments
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Right after youve talked to someone at a party, take out your pen. On the back of his or her business card write notes to remind you of the conversation: his favorite restaurant, sport, movie, or drink; whom she admires, where she grew up, a high school honor; or maybe a joke he told.

    In your next communication, toss off a reference to the favorite restaurant, sport, movie, drink, hometown, high school honor. Or reprieve the laugh over the great joke
  • b9621939555has quoted2 years ago
    Politicians are constantly selling themselves. (If youve ever wondered why America is called The Land of Promise, just keep your ears open in election year.) But, of course, to know what to promise people, politicians use the next super sales technique called Eyeball Selling
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