
Eva Spencer

  • Даниела Станhas quoted2 years ago
    For those who develop PTSD as a result of their abuse, recovery may be a long, rocky road filled with anxiety and depression.
  • Даниела Станhas quoted2 years ago
    Those who survived narcissistic abuse experience PTSD in much the same way as those who survived being under siege in war zones. The physical, emotional, and psychological causes may differ, but the mental experience of PTSD remains the same.
  • Даниела Станhas quoted2 years ago
    Because the narcissist’s abuse targeted your sense of self, your self-worth, and your intellect and spirit, recovery from narcissistic abuse are distinct from other types of healing.
  • Даниела Станhas quoted2 years ago
    Once they start feeling like themselves again, their truth and values will feel more solid,
  • Даниела Станhas quoted2 years ago
    In addition, the victim will be able to break free from the illusion that the narcissist is their source of self-worth and that they are dependent on them to solve their issues and provide for their needs.
  • Даниела Станhas quoted2 years ago
    Narcissists have absolutely no incentive to change their behaviors.
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