
Cho Nam-Joo

  • Oscar Angelhas quoted2 years ago
    They’d done quite a lot of chores around the house since they were young, but they thought of it as helping out their busy parents and taking care of themselves, not learning how to be good women.
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    “I don’t understand. Half the population in the world goes through this every month. If a pharmaceutical company were to develop an effective pill specifically for menstrual cramps, not the ‘pain medication’ that makes you sick, they would make a fortune.”
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    The girls were disgusted by older boys at cram school, church, and tutoring sessions pawing their shoulders, stroking their napes, and sneaking a peek at their breasts through button-down shirts and T-shirts with low-cut necklines, but the girls couldn’t let out a single horrified cry. All they could do was remove themselves from the scene.
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    The girls stowed away repulsive, frightening experiences with males deep in their hearts without even realizing it.
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    What do you want from us? The dumb girls are too dumb, the smart girls are too smart, and the average girls are too unexceptional?
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    I’ve noticed this about new employees over the years. The women take on all the cumbersome, minor tasks without being asked, while guys never do. Doesn’t matter if they’re new or the youngest—they never do anything they’re not told to do. But why do women simply take things upon themselves?
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    He wouldn’t stop making her drink. “I’ve passed my limit, it won’t be safe getting home, I’m done,” she said. “Why so concerned when there’s all these guys to escort you home?” You people are my biggest concern, she thought to herself
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    In a few years, that precious daughter of yours will find herself exactly where I am now. Unless people like you stop treating me this way.
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    Do laws and institutions change values, or do values drive laws and institutions?
  • Diana Cathas quotedlast year
    “You said don’t just think about what I’ll be giving up. I’m putting my youth, health, job, colleagues, social networks, career plans, and future on the line. No wonder all I can think about are the things I’m giving up. But what about you? What do you lose by gaining a child?”
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