Thomas Sedaker

A first time author, Tom came to the Lord in January of '72, and while most of his adult life has been spent in the Marketplace as both a Merchant and a Contractor, his passion has always centered on knowing his Savior, Jesus.

Believing God is seamless in all areas of one's life, Tom's has been mixed with extraordinary spiritual experiences along with the contemporary trials common to all who work out their salvation in the midst of a dysfunctional world. Tempered, Tom's writings offer a unique perspective to those hungering for truth, a point of view born from one familiar with both success and failure; the Lord's Grace continuing to undergird his walk as he's kept on the path of Righteousness for His name's sake.

"What is Man that Thou Art Mindful of Him--Where We Were" is Thomas Sedaker's first book. Sedaker currently resides in Southern California with his loving wife, Jani.
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