Mark Forster


yulyaisirjozhahas quoted3 months ago
Success at a project is very rarely a matter of ‘willpower’. It’s usually a matter of having set up a good structure to support the carrying out of the project. Your project needs the mental and physical equivalents of the government’s controlling structures
yulyaisirjozhahas quoted3 months ago
Tackling one thing at a time, getting it right and then moving on to the next thing, has always been the way that successful people have advanced.
yulyaisirjozhahas quoted3 months ago
Take a sheet of paper and make a list of all the things you intend to get around to some day. Include your work and your private life. Don’t include anything that you have to get done by a certain date. Ideally they should be the sort of things that won’t get done at all unless you make a conscious resolve to do them.
Select one out of the list – the one you are going to get done first. To start off, you may want to make it something fairly small.
Once you have decided on the one, you need to make two resolutions. The first is that you are going to concentrate on this one
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