Whitney Hanson

  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    it is still beautiful
    that i got to call so many hearts my home
  • Carinahas quoted2 years ago
    please tell me

    why is it so difficult for someone to stay?
  • Drishhas quoted2 years ago
    being stuck in your own mind

    when it doesn’t want to be kind

    is torture

  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    where i love you for tonight
    means i will be there tomorrow
  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    don’t stay because you’re comfortable
    this is not your home
  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    sometimes the battles
    that take the most strength
    are the ones you choose
    not to fight
  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    i think i have a tendency to prepare to lose things
    before they are gone
  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    is never selfish to take care of your heart. if you need to move, then move. if you need to stay, then stay. don’t let anyone else dictate where your peace lands
  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
    prove to me that love is a verb
    let your actions speak for how you feel
    and if they are not loud
    let me leave
  • Sara Jaqueline Aranda Ramírezhas quotedlast year
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