
Susan Sontag

  • Анастасия Трошковаhas quotedlast year
    In teaching us a new visual code, photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe.
  • Анастасия Трошковаhas quotedlast year
    grammar and, even more importantly, an ethics of seeing.
  • Анастасия Трошковаhas quotedlast year
    means putting oneself into a certain relation to the world that feels like knowledge—and, therefore, like power.
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    Any disease that is treated as a mystery and acutely enough feared will be felt to be morally, if not literally, contagious
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    As death is now an offensively meaningless event, so that disease widely considered a synonym for death is experienced as something to hide.
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    Cancer is a demonic pregnancy.
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    TB, the person is “consumed,” burned up. In cancer, the patient is “invaded” by alien cells, which multiply, causing an atrophy or blockage of bodily functions.
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    While TB takes on qualities assigned to the lungs, which are part of the upper, spiritualized body, cancer is notorious for attacking parts of the body (colon, bladder, rectum, breast, cervix, prostate, testicles) that are embarrassing to acknowledge. Having a tumor generally arouses some feelings of shame, but in the hierarchy of the body’s organs, lung cancer is felt to be less shameful than rectal cancer.
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    Cancer, as a disease that can strike anywhere, is a disease of the body. Far from revealing anything spiritual, it reveals that the body is, all too woefully, just the body.
  • Диана Шпунтенковаhas quoted2 years ago
    Indeed, the romanticizing of TB is the first widespread example of that distinctively modern activity, promoting the self as an image. The tubercular look had to be considered attractive once it came to be considered a mark of distinction, of breeding
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