Rajender Menen

  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    his Mudra refreshes the system and charges it with energy.
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    This Mudra is good for allergies
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    calms the mind.
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    This Mudra stimulates circulation.
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    This helps memory.
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    Several schools of yoga and even the martial arts have recognised the immense power of the fountain of human sexual energy.
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    This Mudra is very good for problems of the throat.
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    middle finger sky
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    ring finger earth
  • mariocteranhas quotedlast year
    fourth finger water.
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