
Daniel Defoe

  • b6221027333has quoted2 months ago
    it is never too late to be wise
  • b1563382158has quotedlast year
    miseries and hardships,
  • Индираhas quoted2 years ago
    make them amends
  • b6512115168has quoted2 years ago
    not bred to any trade

    Such a person would not stoop to such work as carpentry or shoemaking; he was born in a higher class.

  • b7915037493has quoted2 years ago
    What became of my second brother I never knew, any more than my father or mother knew what became of
  • iconaleksandrhas quoted6 days ago
    was born in the year
    I had t
  • iconaleksandrhas quoted6 days ago
    I was born in the year
  • TempterPS Pshas quoted9 months ago
    Books are useful only to such whose genius are suitable to the subject of them;
  • TempterPS Pshas quoted9 months ago
    This and travel make a true-bred merchant the most intelligent man in the world,
  • TempterPS Pshas quoted9 months ago
    but when by the errors of a man’s youth he has reduced himself to such a degree of distress as to be absolutely without three things—money, friends, and health—he dies in a ditch, or in some worse place, a hospital.
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