Jim Camp




zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
When we have the habit of setting as a goal only activity that we can accomplish and that is genuinely productive, we've taken the first step to getting some real work done. Rather than succeeding or not succeeding almost by accident in the service of some goal that's really beyond our control, we've taken the first step to taking responsibility for our actions and to end what is, really, self-deception (and probably companywide deception
zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
Daily Track Helps You Monitor Your Work
zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
Well, when this young man or woman checks into pilot training, one of the first items issued is the daily training folder. That record is carried at all times and reviewed by the instructor (coach) and the flight leader. It will be reviewed two or three times a day, with constant emphasis on reward for success and focused hard work on the failures. Under the circumstances, good habits are
Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)