
Leslie Kern


Natalia Zaitsevahas quoted2 years ago
When communities
advocate for “spaces for youth,” the kinds of spaces they come up with are
skate parks, basketball courts, and hockey arenas. In other words, spaces that
have boys in mind as users, and where girls have trouble finding access, acceptance, and safety.
Natalia Zaitsevahas quoted2 years ago
When Swedish architecture firm White Arkitekter actually approached teenage girls to design scale models of public space, the
girls came up with “places for sitting together face to face, protected from weather and wind, to see without necessary [sic] being seen, a sense of intimacy without being constrictive; and most of all, to be able to leave an imprint on their city.” 1
Natalia Zaitsevahas quoted2 years ago
In my suburban adolescence, that space was the mall.
Easily accessed, inviting no probing questions from our parents, always
warm and safe.
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