Telegram Books


Irina Naumovahas quoted2 years ago
While some people were worth millions and other people were deep in debt, they all looked stressed and worried. He concluded that there is only one amount of money – just not enough.
Sara Hilalhas quoted4 months ago
These are the men who grew up at the oar, and trod out the mountain paths. For them, all journeys were long journeys and risky ones. They are all keyed up to meet any problem, and they take life very seriously. These men stride onwards with ponderous footsteps – strong men of few words.
Sara Hilalhas quoted4 months ago
They measure time and distance differently from the older folk. Journeys are shorter for them, and time is not such a serious matter. These men are lighter-footed, lighter-hearted, and more lively-spirited than the older people.
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