bookmate game

Oren Klaff

  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Certainly I did not invent the Inception method. It was always there in plain sight. I just uncovered it and explained how it works best in business situations. After all, writers for detective
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Who gets what, and why
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    where the few who exist at the top get more of the best of everything, and those at the bottom get the scraps
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Even today, improving your social ranking rarely happens easily, quickly, or even at all because your ranking is one of the most difficult things to change unless you have been trained to do so
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    In other words, your birth is your fate unless you master the tools that will allow you to change your position in the social layer cake
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    After spending many years studying the science of power and dominance, my team and I have discovered a way for you to match status and power with anyone, in any business or social situation. And it takes only about thirty seconds to pull off when you
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Today, a mix of subtle visual and verbal cues help you instantly recognize the social status of people around you. The way you dress, the precise words you use in conversation, the tone of your voice,
    and your behavior in specific situations will all telegraph your status within a group or society at large
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    at large.

    When you learn to recognize and control these words and symbols, you can change your position in the social layer cake at will
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    You can enter a completely unfamiliar social group in just a few seconds and create enormous influence in the process
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    My business model is pretty simple. People hire me to do three basic things:

    Get meetings with wealthy investors.

    Pitch them an irresistible offer.

    Close the deal and get the money
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