bookmate game

Ted Chiang

  • Darya Stupinahas quotedlast year
    It is a misconception to think that during evolution humans sacrificed physical skill in exchange for intelligence: wielding one's body is a mental activity. While my strength hasn't increased, my coordination is now well above average; I'm even becoming ambidextrous. Moreover, my powers of concentration make biofeedback techniques very effective. After comparatively little practice, I am able to raise or lower my heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Darya Stupinahas quotedlast year
    much is incorporated within patterns now that the entire universe verges on resolving itself into a picture.
  • Darya Stupinahas quotedlast year
    might determine whether mind could be spontaneously generated from matter, and understand what relates consciousness with the rest of the universe. I might see how to merge subject and object: the zero experience.
  • Darya Stupinahas quotedlast year
    Perhaps I would see the soul, the ingredient of consciousness that surpasses physicality.
  • Darya Stupinahas quoted10 months ago
    She, like many, had always thought that mathematics did not derive its meaning from the universe, but rather imposed some meaning onto the universe.
  • Darya Stupinahas quoted10 months ago
    "As all things are reflections of God, so are all names reflections of the divine name."
    "And what is an object's true name?"
    "That name which reflects the divine name in the same manner as the object reflects God."
    "And what is the action of a true name?"
    "To endow its object with a reflection of divine power."
  • Samir Đokovićhas quoted2 years ago
    multiplying infinity by zero produces only zero, not any other number
  • Samir Đokovićhas quoted2 years ago
    In the Principia Mathematica, Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead attempted to give a rigorous foundation to mathematics using formal logic as their basis. They began with what they considered to be axioms, and used those to derive theorems of increasing complexity.
  • Samir Đokovićhas quoted2 years ago
    He hadn't spoken to her since grad school; what had her life been like over the years? He wondered whom else she had loved. Early on he had recognized what kind of love it was, and what kind it wasn't, and he valued it immensely.
  • Samir Đokovićhas quoted2 years ago
    The second item on his list was a request for a proof of the consistency of arithmetic. Such a proof would ensure the consistency of a great deal of higher mathematics. What this proof had to guarantee was, in essence, that one could never prove one equals two
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