Daunt Books


Ivana Melgozahas quoted3 months ago
It was for his sake, whom I hated, and for the sake of my father, whom I loved, that I had avoided screaming their state secret out loud. There was a grain of calculation in my self-renunciation. Eumelos saw through me. My father did not.
dianahas quoted2 years ago
Pages of azure ink. And the man on the waves, feeling his way through the winter, slipping passively beneath the waves, an afterimage in his wake, a woman’s shoulder, belly, breast, the small of her back, the lines tapering to become a mere stroke of the pen, a thread of ink on the thigh, and on the thigh a long, fine
carved with a brush
on the scales of a fish.
Ivana Melgozahas quoted5 months ago
Once again limb-loosing love shakes me, bitter-sweet, untamable, a dusky animal.

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