James Pennebaker

  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    For you

    and for us

    and where we have been

    and where we will go
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Stop for a minute and think about your last conversation, e-mail, or text message.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    But at the same time, you said much, much more. The precise words you used to communicate your message revealed more about you than you can imagine.

    You, a, am, to, I, but, the, for, not …
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Pronouns, articles, prepositions, and a handful of other small, stealthy words reveal parts of your personality, thinking style, emotional state, and connections with others.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    These words, typically called function words, account for less than one-tenth of 1 percent of your vocabulary but make up almost 60 percent of the words you use.* Your brain is not wired to notice them but if you pay close attention, you will start to see their subtle power.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    I, is used at far higher rates by followers than by leaders, truth-tellers than liars
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    And if you want to find your true love, compare the ways you use function words with that of your prospective partners.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    isn’t about parts of speech at all. Rather, it’s about how these words serve as windows into people’s personalities and social connections.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    My training and early research bridged the areas of social, personality, clinical, and health psychology. Only through some accidental discoveries did I even notice the existence of these stealth words.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    At first, the study of function words was a side venture. But as I delved more deeply into the topic, I started making some unexpected connections to leadership, mental health, brain function, and other issues.
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