
Elizabeth Haynes

  • chanchaldeshmukh2810has quoted9 months ago
    Bess comes up the stairs and looks almost startled to see Rachel there.
  • bleedsirehas quoted9 months ago
    People make day trips to the Isle of May,
  • Malouka Maloukahas quoted5 months ago
    I absolutely loved You, Me & the Sea.
  • testbeerhas quoted5 days ago
    She can see more of the island now. The lighthouse is on the nearest side. Further along and about half a mile back is the small bird observatory that houses birdwatchers, and occasionally other people: ecology students and scientists. Her job will be to take care of the observatory, to clean it, and change the beds once a week ready for the next lot.
  • testbeerhas quoted5 days ago
    The swell calms and it feels almost peaceful here, the wash of the boat causing huge pads of seaweed to rise and fall without breaking a wave.
  • testbeerhas quoted5 days ago
    Before that, it’s like something outside you, something unexpected: you watch yourself getting angry and you’re almost surprised 8by it, because that’s not you.
  • qrminvrhas quoted8 months ago
    I absolutely loved You, Me & the Sea
  • Zet Mpofuhas quoted8 months ago
    It’s a comfort and a breathtaking romance – aka sizzling hot! – with beautifully atmospheric scenery. What a perfect escape
  • Lashhas quoted7 months ago
    This is escapism in the best possible way
  • hathugabbyhas quoted8 months ago
    slinging it over his shoulder and offering his hand to her again. This time she takes it and he hauls her up on to the jetty.
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