
Sir Hall Caine


Vlad Shvetshas quoted2 years ago
“A profession,” said John, “which appeals above all to the senses, and lives on the emotions, and fosters jealousy and vanity and backbiting, and develops duplicity, and exists on lies, and does nothing to encourage self-sacrifice or to help suffering humanity, is a bad profession and a sinful one!”
Vlad Shvetshas quoted2 years ago
“If a profession is sinful,” said Drake, “in proportion as it appeals to the senses, and lives on the emotions, and develops duplicity, then the profession of the Church is the most sinful in the world, for it offers the greatest temptations to lying, and produces the worst hypocrites and impostors!”
Vlad Shvetshas quoted2 years ago
It was his duty—he must not shrink from it.
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