
Levitin Daniel



Anna Maevahas quoted2 years ago
id you ever wonder why, if someone asks you to name a bunch of red things, you can do it so quickly? It’s because by concentrating on the thought red, represented here by a neural node, you’re sending electrochemical activation through the network and down the branches to everything else in your brain that connects to it. Below, I’ve overlaid additional information that resides in a typical neural network that begins with fire truck—nodes for other things that are red, for other things that have a siren, and so forth.
Historiahas quotedlast year
The city as a whole is safe—perhaps even safer than before—and one bad neighborhood is responsible for the increase.

Outliers cans strew overall statistics. Say for example that everyone got around 90% on a math test, but one person flunked the test and got a 0, the class average is going to be less than 90% even though everyone got around 90%.

Historiahas quotedlast year
Notice how this graph tricks your eye (well, your brain) into drawing two false conclusions—first, that sometime around 1990 home prices must have been very low, and second, that by 2030 home prices will be so high that few people will be able to afford a home. Better buy one now!

By adding more to the X-axis, you compress the graph, making the statistic seem more impactful and drastic.

Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)