r.h. Sin


Leanne Gicalehas quoted2 years ago
we’ve always wanted

too late.

no one misses you until you
walk away

no one appreciates you until
you’re gone

no one understands this until
you’ve given up on waiting for
things to get better

no one listens until silence is the
only thing left
Leanne Gicalehas quoted2 years ago
there’s no freedom in loving the
wrong person

you spend most nights, locked
away in your own mind

overthinking and driving
yourself mad

to love the wrong person is hell
on earth, death in life

an emotional prison
Leanne Gicalehas quoted2 years ago
there’s no freedom in loving the
wrong person

you spend most nights, locked
away in your own mind

overthinking and driving
yourself mad

to love the wrong person is hell
on earth, death in life

an emotional prison

fraudulent emotions.

most people find themselves

in love with the person

who is keeping them

from finding true love

sadly, we’ve become a

content with being in love

with a love that isn’t real

hell here.

hell on earth will always be
trying to maintain a relationship
with someone who is too weak
to remain loyal to the idea of a
forever with you

women like you.


Theodore Maurice August "Vanderboom" Scarletshared an impression10 months ago
👍Worth reading

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