bookmate game

Nicolas Cole


Dmitry Bairachnyihas quoted2 years ago
Notoriously, human beings spend an awful lot of time imagining the big achievement we want for ourselves at the end of the journey, but struggle tremendously getting through the beginning—where we suck.
Dmitry Bairachnyihas quoted2 years ago
Gamers, on the other hand, know that you have to play Level 1 over and over again in order to reach Level 2. And then you have to play Level 2 over and over again before you can reach Level 3. And if you can just keep on keeping on your journey, learning and mastering each level, you will eventually climb all the way to the top of the ladder.
Dmitry Bairachnyihas quoted2 years ago
Your “Writing Data Flywheel” is a mechanism for endless inspiration.


Dmitry Bairachnyishared an impression2 years ago
💡Learnt A Lot
👍Worth reading

Очень насыщенная пользой книга. Пошаговое руководство о том, как писать и как на этом зарабатывать. Немного перегружено историями, но не отменяет полезности.

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