bookmate game

Charles Duhigg


Abdumo'minhas quoted2 years ago
“All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits,” William James wrote in 1892.prl.2 Most of the choices we make each day may feel like the products of well-considered decision making, but they’re not. They’re habits. And though each habit means relatively little on its own, over time, the meals we order, what we say to our kids each night, whether we save or spend, how often we exercise, and the way we organize our thoughts and work routines have enormous impacts on our health, productivity, financial security, and happiness.
Abdumo'minhas quoted2 years ago
One paper published by a Duke University researcher in 2006 found that more than 40 percent of the actions people performed each day weren’t actual decisions, but habits.prl.3
Abdumo'minhas quoted2 years ago
He could remember most of the events in his life that had occurred prior to about 1960.
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