


Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
takes about 43 times more water to produce 1 pound of beef than to produce 1

pound of cereal grain when the water used to produce the animal feed is factored

in—about 43,000 liters of water per kilogram of beef versus 1,000 liters of water

per kilogram of cereal grains
Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
intensive farming and monocrop agriculture cause nutrient depletion and soil
Alejandrahas quoted2 years ago
Researchers have established that odors from factory farms are

associated with nausea, vomiting, headache, shallow breathing, coughing, sleep

disorders, upset stomach, appetite depression, irritated eyes, nose and throat

irritation, and mood disturbances (including agitation, annoyance, and

depression) in both farm workers and residents of nearby communities.
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