She crumples it up into a tiny bead and swallows it. Because the only way to get rid of it is to consume it.
Ellahas quotedlast month
It’s easier to lie when your mouth is full
Ellahas quotedlast month
She’s lonely, hungry for attention and validation, and she needs a warm body next to her
Ellahas quotedlast month
a show he pretended to hate but secretly enjoyed because it meant he could spend time with her?
Ellahas quotedlast month
Children are innocent. They’re small. They can’t defend themselves against predators. They’ve done nothing to warrant any violence against them. Bad things aren’t supposed to happen to kids. It goes against everything we as a civilized society think is acceptable. Your protective instincts kick in.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
she’d known it was wrong from the beginning. But the problem with addicts is not that they don’t know the difference between right and wrong. The problem with addicts is that they do it anyway.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
We’re drawn to people who are like ourselves, people who have the same beliefs, because most of us just want to belong. It’s human nature.”
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
The only thing worse than being insulted was being ignored.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
Sociopaths are beautiful liars
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
So the stabbing was postmortem. That’s a lot of rage.”
“Oh, yeah.” Torrance nodded, sipping his tea. “Somebody hated her. Or loved her.”