since we are not the experts in the domain the software is placed in, we need to gather input from other people who are experts.
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
How does the user expect the application to behave in the browser? How does the business workflow work? What does the user know about the workflow?
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
business domain expert
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
research the target audience
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
Always remember that we, as developers, are the software experts and therefore are the only ones who are able to manage these expectations
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
Domain-driven designs focus on getting structure in the problem solving process and also provide the right starting point to begin a conversation every stakeholder can be part of.
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
Domain-driven design now adds a layer on top, which adds abstractions to express business logic and can encapsulate it from the outside interaction.
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
the idea of removing distractions
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
This is why working towards a shared understanding between business experts and developers is so important, both sides need to agree on what they expect from a feature, or a piece of software
b6693363393has quoted2 years ago
ubiquitous language of the project, a language shared by all parties involved in the project.