Gina Chung

  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    against a male octopus, who will insert his hectocotylus into her mantle cavity and deposit sperm packets inside her until sh
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    Tae never liked my working at the aquarium.
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    He was a marine biologist and a consultant for the aquarium, tasked with making sure that the tanks replicated the animals’ natural environments as much as possible.
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    animal husbandry and she’s in development
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    I was nine years old
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    papier-mâché eyeball
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    casually tossed in bits of raw fish and shrimp from a bucke
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    I was always Arim, or Bae Arim, my full name, if I was in trouble.
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    man-made folly and natural resilience collide, began one entry.
  • Ranti Fadilahhas quoted5 months ago
    how much she wanted to die, how much she wished they had never come to this country.
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