"My popularity, my happiness and sense of worth depend to no small extent upon my skill in dealing with people."
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
you must fuse your audience or they will not warm to your message.
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
but the principle is the same: he tries to strike some universal note that will have all his hearers feeling alike at the same time.
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
he knew would not fail to bring his hearers to a common feeling.
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
To be icily correct is as silly as to rant. Do neither, but appeal to those world–old elements in your audience that have been recognized by all great speakers from Demosthenes to Sam Small, and see to it that you never debase your powers by arousing your hearers unworthily.
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
Have your audience seated compactly
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
Universal ideas surcharged with feeling help to create the crowd–atmosphere. Examples: liberty, character, righteousness, courage, fraternity, altruism, country, and national heroes.
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
the men of reasoning and the men of imagination.
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
The human race is governed by its imagination," the authoritative word commands their respect
Azka Suryahas quoted2 years ago
By imagination we mean either the faculty or the process of forming mental images.