Trish Mercer

This is the uncomfortable part where I have to write about myself. So here goes.I have loved, absolutely LOVED writing this series! I started writing it because I couldn't find a book quite like it, and it just grew and grew, dragging me willingly along. It's brought me incredible joy, and although writing is agonizing, it's also fun. Agonizing fun. Yeah, that's it.I don't claim to be an author, just a tinkerer of story lines and a jumbler of ideas.If you've enjoyed these books, great! If you haven't, well . . . that's awkward. Let's just smile stiffly at each other and slowly go our separate ways.Oh, you're still here? Well, if you want to know more about me, here's the list. I'm married. I have nine kids.I like my stories because that's the only place where people do exactly what I tell them to. I worry about America, and I worry about our future. I'm a Mormon (LDS). I believe in educating my children according to what I feel God wants them to know.I believe in freedom of religion for all people, and I fear we're losing that freedom.I'm a lot goofier than I sound. I dance at random moments and sing in the van when no one can hear me. I love Yellowstone National Park, God's playground.I love orchestral soundtracks and trailer music, and walking at twilight and writing scenes to fit the music.I worry immensely about the world my grandchildren will grow up in, and I hope I'll become that Muggah who sits with her grandchildren telling them that the sky is not really blue. But I probably won't be weeding.
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