Iyanla Vanzant

In Peace From Broken Pieces New York Times best-selling author Iyanla Vanzant she recounts the last decade of her life and the spiritual lessons learnedfrom the price of success during her meteoric rise as a TV celebrity on Oprah, the Iyanla TV show (produced by Barbara Walters), to the dissolution of her marriage and her daughters 15 months of illness and death on Christmas day. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Iyanla shares why everything we need to learn is reflected in our relationships and the strength and wisdom she has gained by supporting others in their journeys to make sense out of the puzzle pieces of their lives."


Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
Because you fear being alone, or because you believe you cannot have what you want in a relationship, you accept the first person who comes along, only to be left, beaten, ripped off, or impregnated and then left, beaten, ripped off.
Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
Because someone is nice to you and you are not used to it, you don’t know how to say no to them when you realize they are not who you want.
Bonbon Garzonhas quoted2 years ago
Unfortunately, when you are fighting in a relationship, if you are not clear about your intent, or if you are resistant to knowing the truth, you will get hurt.
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