
Dan Desmarques


Màrglar Marglarhas quoted3 days ago
It is only when one merges the two by expanding his awareness of the laws of the physical and spiritual worlds, that he is able to ascend while still in physical form.

This process is known in some circles as alchemy
Màrglar Marglarhas quoted3 days ago
t is in space that we fulfill our most deep desires.

From the space of loneliness, loss, death and regret, or disappointment, frustration and emptiness, all that is possible, can be created. And that which is created, comes forward from the space within, manifested through the absence of the ego, the sense of ‘I am’. For you are anything your creative mind allows you to be.
Màrglar Marglarhas quoted3 days ago
awareness of space, that makes the creative process an infinite momentum of possibilities.
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