
Noah Goldstein


zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
So what does this tell us about how to be more persuasive? If you run a business, you would be well advised to provide
zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
provide information to your customers about what is genuinely rare and unique about your products and services. Pointing out to them the features your product has that a competitor doesn’t can be a powerful route to getting them to say yes to your offering and not your competition’s. Similarly, colleagues at work might be persuaded to help you out on a project or initiative if they are told of its uniqueness: “It’s not often we get the chance to be involved in an initiative such as this.” Even family members are more likely to respond when told that your time and assistance are rare and dwindling. By simply and honestly pointing out that your products, services, time, and help are limited, you place a greater value on them
zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
people appreciate them and you more. And, in general, we say yes more to those we appreciate
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