bookmate game

Jay Levinson

  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    In order for us to tell you the 10th secret, we’ve got to tell you a lie. We tell it to you because it is damaging to your business, your family and yourself, but mainly because you’ve probably been buying into it all your life.
    Here’s the lie: Time is money
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    That is not true. The Harris Poll, the Gallup Poll, The Roper Poll, and the Universities of Pennsylvania and Maryland conduct studies to see what people cherish the most. Back in l988, time went to number one on the list. It is been there ever since and will probably stay there for the rest of your life.
    People now know that time is not money; time is life. That’s
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    why the 10th secret is being convenient
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    You dare not waste any of your customers’ or prospects’ time. You’ve got to orient everything in your business to being convenient, to saving time for those who do business with you.
    Make it easy to learn about you, to contact you, to park, to pay, to get service, to obtain information. Don’t waste one precious second of a customer’s time or you’ll probably never hear from that customer again. Customers know that time is life, and now, you do, too
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Halfway through the 20 secrets, we encounter one that we hope will not shatter your dreams. But somebody has got to tell this to you if you’re to become a guerrilla marketer.
    Realize that you can no longer make the sale with marketing. In the past, you could make the sale strictly with marketing. But the past is hardly the present. Now we live in a time of nonstop media. It’s a bear to try to make a sale with marketing. So savvy guerrillas, led by guerrilla Seth Godin in his breakthrough book, Permission Marketing, go not for the sale but for consent to market to individuals
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Most people will withhold their consent. Others will gladly consent to receive your marketing materials. It’s estimated that at any given moment, 4 percent of people want to buy your product right now, another 4 percent need to know one or two more things before buying, and 92 percent just don’t care about you and your stuff. Love them for it. They are letting you save your time and money
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    The guerrilla camp owner makes a very high-profit sale without investing much money—only by getting consent, then broadening that consent.
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Instead, focus your efforts on those who are the most torrid of prospects. Broaden the consent they gave to you.
    The whole idea of consent is why “opt-in” is now in the dictionary. You may not be able to make the sale with marketing, but when that marketing is merely a door opener, you probably can make the sale. Guerrillas are rarely in a
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Guerrillas take full advantage of the internet’s ability to
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    involve, that same ability offered by the Twitters and Facebooks of the world. Why do you suppose those new media are taking the marketing universe by storm? It’s because of their ability to involve, an ability that you have as a guerrilla
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