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George Friedman

  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    Europe may yet have to deal with the resurgence of Russia, the bullying of the United States, or internal tensions. The door is certainly not closed on conflict.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    fundamental principle of strategic planning: hope for the best, plan for the worst.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    China is held together by money, not ideology. When there is an economic downturn and the money stops rolling in, not only will the banking system spasm, but the entire fabric of Chinese society will shudder
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    From the outside, Japan was surging, taking over markets with incredible products at cheap prices. It was not obsessed with profits like American firms were, and the Japanese appeared to have a hammerlock on the future.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    China is Japan on steroids.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    There are structural limits to growth, and China is reaching them.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    When a single war does not resolve an underlying geopolitical issue, it is refought until the issue is finally settled. At the very least, even without another war, tension and confrontation are ongoing. Significant conflicts are rooted in underlying realities—and they do not go away easily
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    The conflict will not be a repeat of the Cold War, any more than World War I was a repeat of the Napoleonic wars. But it will be a restatement of the fundamental Russian question: If Russia is a united nation-state, where will its frontiers lie and what will be the relationship between Russia and its neighbors? That question will represent the next major phase in world history—in 2020, and in the years leading up to it.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    Given Russia's demographic trajectory, in twenty years it may be too late to act, and its leaders know this. It does not have to conquer the world, but Russia must regain and hold its buffers—essentially the boundaries of the old Soviet Union.
  • Oleg Lagodiyenkohas quoted2 years ago
    Russia's grand strategy involves the creation of deep buffers along the northern European plain, while it divides and manipulates its neighbors, creating a new regional balance of power in Europe.
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