bookmate game

Donald Miller

  • Никита Черняковhas quoted9 days ago
    Empathetic statements start with words like, “We understand how it feels to . . .” or “Nobody should have to experience . . .” or “Like you, we are frustrated by . . .” or, in the case of one Toyota commercial inviting Toyota owners to engage their local Toyota service center, simply, “We care about your Toyota.”
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    benefits of featuring the potential pitfalls of not doing business with us are much easier to include than we may think
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    We don’t bring up the negative stakes enough and so the story we’re telling falls flat. Remember, if there are no stakes, there is no story.
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    Prospect Theory, as it was called, espoused that people are more likely to be dissatisfied with a loss than they are satisfied with a gain. In other words, people hate losing $100 more than they like winning $100. This, of course, means loss aversion is a greater motivator of buying decisions than potential gains. In fact, according to Kahneman, in certain situations, people are two to three times more motivated to make a change to avoid a loss than they are to achieve a gain.
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    First, we must make a reader (or listener) know they are vulnerable to a threat. For example:
    “Nearly 30 percent of all homes have evidence of termite infestation.”
    Second, we should let the reader know that since they’re vulnerable, they should take action to reduce their vulnerability.
    “Since nobody wants termites, you should do something about it to protect your home.”
    Third, we should let them know about a specific call to action that protects them from the risk.
    “We offer a complete home treatment that will insure your house is free of termites.”
    Fourth, we should challenge people to take this specific action.
    “Call us today and schedule your home treatment.”3
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    “Don’t postpone your retirement. You’ve worked too hard for too long to not enjoy time with your grandchildren.”
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    Next we’ll dramatically increase their motivation by helping them imagine what life can look like when they buy your products or services. After they see what you offer and how it can make their lives better, you’ll have included stakes in the narrative and customer engagement will grow.
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    Where is your brand taking people? Are you taking them to financial security? To the day when they’ll move into their dream home? To a fun weekend with friends? Without knowing it, every potential customer we meet is asking us where we can take them.
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    Successful brands, like successful leaders, make it clear what life will look like if somebody engages their products or services. Nike promised to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete. Likewise, Starbucks offered to inspire and nurture their customers, one cup at a time. For years, Men’s Wearhouse promised, “You’ll like the way you look,” and they even guaranteed it.
  • olegkutcynahas quoted2 years ago
    Being specific matters. Kennedy would have bored the world had he cast a vision for a “highly competitive and productive space program.” Instead, he defined the ambition specifically and as such inspired a nation: “We’re going to put a man on the moon.”
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