Cassie Hargrove

Published audiobooks


Lilyhas quoted2 years ago
Detective Daniels hops out the slick SUV and my blood pressure rises. Haliee’s still dancing around her room and Brent looks close to running.

Something’s up. I feel it in my soul.

I don’t think. I just act and I really hope Haliee forgives me for this.

I quickly start typing in codes and link the necklace that Lukas gave her to my system, activating the tracker on it.

He doesn’t know I even had access to it to embed a tiny tracker, but I do it with everyone I love. Just in case.

I promised myself I would never use it because it meant taking away that small bit of freedom she’s gained since showing up here, but I can’t shake the sinking feeling in my gut.

I’m turning it on for her safety. If she’s ever taken, we need to know where the fuck she is because the seven of us will burn the world to the ground to get her back.

Lukas looks about ready to kill as him and Daniels exchange words. I don’t know what’s up but whatever it is
Lilyhas quoted2 years ago
Code Angel, Meeting at the house in fifteen.
Lilyhas quoted2 years ago
has Lukas close to unleashing his demon.

Daniels nods and hops back in his car and drives off leaving Lukas to stare after him.

I watch Lukas take his phone out and the group chat immediately pings.
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