
Tessa Bailey

  • Kay🖤has quotedlast year
    I’m going to feed you before I introduce you to God.
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    When sex was over, it usually—always—meant parting ways after the sweat cooled. He’d never been anything but fine with that outcome, because he barely knew the women to begin with. Panic niggled at him now, though, refusing to give up. If Georgie tried to leave or make him leave right now, he wouldn’t like it at all. No, he would hate it.
    She wouldn’t leave him, would she?
    “Whoa,” she whispered at his ear, her fingers threading through his hair. “Porn sucks.”
    His fear eased, a smile beckoning at the corners of his mouth. There was some insecurity in Georgie’s expression, probably thanks to his silent panic attack. So he framed her beautiful face in his hands and kissed it right off her mouth. “Nah. We’re just that good.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “How do you feel?”
    Her catlike yawn made his throat hurt. “Like that.” She smiled, somewhat shyly. “But I also feel spoiled because that was better than . . . wow. Than I ever expected. And smug because you look spoiled, too. Are . . . you? You know, spoiled?”
    “I can barely feel my fucking legs.”
    The smile bloomed, spreading to her cheeks, eyes. Gorgeous. “We brought it.”
    Could she hear his heart hammering? “Damn right we did,” he managed through the notch in his throat. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “Do you think I’m more than a clown?” She swallowed. “Professionally and . . . figuratively.”
    He ran a hand down her hair. “Of course I do, Georgie.”
    Cool relief slipped beneath her skin. “See? People can be wrong. They can treat you one way when you deserve another, but it’s their fault. Not yours.” His frame was beginning to stiffen against her, so she rushed to finish. “I’m sorry if you were treated like less than you are.”
    For several heavy beats, he didn’t move or breathe. “All right,” he said finally, removing his arms from around Georgie and rolling onto his back. “That’s enough.”
    Georgie banished the pinch of hurt. “Don’t be so romantic.”
    He stacked his hands behind his head. “You’ve got the wrong man for that.”
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “Kristin,” Rosie started. “Maybe he just had that tired work brain. He probably would have opened the fridge sooner or later and remembered he forgot to take your chicken.”
    “Also,” Bethany chimed in with mock sincerity, “we’re literally talking about chicken here, so—”
    “Pecan chicken,” Georgie cut in smoothly, patting Kristin’s arm and trying not to show how ridiculous she found the complaint. “One of his favorites, right, Kristin?”
    “I don’t know.” She looked up at the ceiling. “I just don’t know anymore.”
    Across the circle, Bethany mouthed a silent countdown. Three, two . . .
    Outside the house, a vehicle screeched to a halt, followed by a door slamming and angry boot steps storming up the walkway. The door to Bethany’s house opened without preamble and in stormed their brother in flannel pajama pants and a sweatshirt, his hair still wet from the shower. “Get in the truck, Kristin.”
    His wife stood her ground—or sat it, rather—refusing to turn and look at him. “You’ve done it this time,” she called dramatically. “Enjoy your life of deep-fried potatoes and fake meat.”
    Stephen pointed at Bethany. “This is your fault. Putting ideas into her head.”
    “You’re the one that forgot her pecan chicken!” Bethany burst out. “That shit is important.”
    “Oh, now she thinks so,” Georgie drawled, reaching for the tequila.
    “You’re one to talk, Georgie. This”—he waved an angry hand around—“girls’ club has taken away your common sense
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “You’re not doing it,” Stephen grunted at Kristin, before softening his tone. “Please.”
    Kristin firmed her chin. “We’ll see
  • Анна Карпычеваhas quoted2 years ago
    “Did you always complain this much?” Travis decided that didn’t need an answer and Stephen wasn’t waiting for one anyway. “I’m trying to get Kristin to give . . . strong consideration to children. I thought this might encourage her.”
    Travis frowned as a woman waiting to cross the street blew a kiss at him. “This conversation is above my pay grade.” He could feel Stephen wanting to say more and sighed. “She’s not considering having kids? Isn’t that the first thing a married woman living on Long Island considers?”
    “Kristin is complicated,” he explained patiently. “She wants me to work for it
  • Лера Третьякhas quotedlast year
    When I start to pull the dress over my head, he stops me. “Leave it. I’m going to make you come in that dress. Then I’m going to fucking burn it.”
  • Лера Третьякhas quotedlast year
    “Sit up. I’m about to banish the word coffee from your vocabulary.”
    I prop myself against the pillow and take the offered cup. “Never going to happen. When I die, I want my ashes sprinkled over a Starbucks.”
  • Лера Третьякhas quotedlast year
    “Let’s go home, then.”
    “Where’s home?” I ask, laying my head on his shoulder.
    “Wherever you are, girl.”
  • Lyndonhas quoted3 months ago
    “If I’m not doing that, I’m doing nothing. I’ve been doing nothing.” Rosie laid her ice-cold hands on the sides of her face. For the past week, she’d been feeling apprehensive, positive things were moving forward too easily with her and Dominic. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Was this why? “Oh my God.”
    “That’s enough of this,” Dominic ground out, putting an arm around her shoulders. “Stop upsetting her.”

    I want a Dominic so bad😔

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